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Erik & Henrik's Kayak Diary

Kayak construction started (2000-01-15)

The canoe book by Björn Thomasson

We have been looking to build a kayak for quite some time. Inspired by, among other things, Björn Thomasson's book "The canoe book” and after seeing a couple of home builds at the Kayak Symposium in Orust in the summer of 1999.

At the beginning of January 2000, we were down at Björn Thomasson's in Lund and looked at his latest build Nomad.
We will each build a Kavat model kayak. The model is drawn by Björn Thomasson in Lund, from which we also bought the drawings. Björn also has a very readable site where he goes through kayak construction, different kayak models and kayaking in general properly.

The kayak is built up of thin wooden slats around frame templates. When all the slats are in place, fiberglass fabric is laid over the slats and on top of that epoxy. The result should be a very light, elegant, stable and easy to paddle kayak.
We already have a kayak each, so there is no panic to get the buildings finished and there are probably both pros and cons to this. The risk is that construction drags on. But on the other hand, it should be better if you take it more calmly and can also relax with a paddle trip from time to time.
These pages will be updated as we get anywhere in our construction. There will probably be an update every Monday or Tuesday as most of the construction will take place on the weekends.

We will also post a "log" book of how long it takes us to assemble our kayaks and what the cost ends up being for our kayaks.

We who build are Erik Sjöstedt and Henrik Rydinger. Email us if you have any questions or concerns.