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Here at, you can comment at the bottom of most posts and pages. Always nice if you want to comment and add something, come up with happy exclamations, a funny idea or criticize something in a sensible way. But… do it with a good tone. We refrain from advertising, attacks (on ourselves or others) or too much bullshit. Keep a sensible tone. If you want to advertise, take a look below banner advertising. Do you just want to be stupid, maybe it's better not to?!

It is required that you write in your name and your e-mail address. Feel free to write names, the system accepts abbreviations but we don't always do that 🙂 And use your own e-mail and name.

If this is the first time you comment, your comment must be approved by us. As a rule, we have automatic publication of comments switched on, then your comment will appear immediately if you already have a published comment here.

We take the liberty of not publishing comments that we don't like for one reason or another, but we have a high ceiling. Since the start of comments in late 2005 upwards of 5000 comments have come in and we've actually only had to remove a handful and only had to ban 2-3 users so it works pretty well most of the time.